Desoldering Wick

Desoldering Wick
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Desoldering Wick

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Soder-Wick brand Desoldering Wick

Soder-Wick, the world's leading brand of desoldering wick (solder wick, desoldering braid) is the fastest, cleanest and safest wick in the industry. It significantly reduces rework/repair time and minimizes the risk of heat damage to the board. Its geometrically precise weave design allows for maximum capillary action and solder capacity. Soder-wick brand desoldering wick optimizes heat transfer through the braid and into the solder joint, resulting in faster wicking action than any other competitive brand. Minimal flux residue on the board speeds up the cleaning process or eliminates it entirely. 

Soder-Wick brand desoldering wick is available in the most comprehensive variety of widths, lengths and flux types. Sealed in Performance Pak™ Barrier Packaging and VacuPak™ Vacuum-Sealed Packaging, it's completely protected from the harmful effects of the environment. 

Chem-Wik Desoldering Wick

As the standard desoldering wick for service and repair, Chem-Wik ensures fast and safe desoldering. The ultra-pure, oxygen-free copper braid quickly and completely removes solder from circuit boards and components. Its fast wicking action protects components from harmful heat damage. PermaPak™ Barrier Packaging ensures ultimate braid freshness and speed by sealing out the harmful effects of the environment and protecting against oxidation.

Meets or exceeds the greatest range of performance standards:

  • MIL-F-14256F Type R
  • NASA STD-8739.3 Soldered Electrical Connections
  • ANSI/IPC J STD-004, Type ROL0

Choose Your Product

Soder-Wick Rosin Flux Desoldering Wick
Fastest wicking action with rosin flux coated desoldering wick

Soder-Wick No Clean Desoldering Wick
Cleanest, leaving behind no ionic residue, with no clean flux coated desoldering wick

Soder-Wick Lead-Free Desoldering Wick
Safest on thermally sensitive components, with this specially engineered no clean flux coated desoldering wick


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